A New Standard in Payroll Services
Options on Your Payroll
Input & Delivery Options
Besides being able to call, fax, or transmit your payroll information via our Micro/Pay software program. ComputerSearch offers next day turnaround from the moment your payroll figures are confirmed in our office.
Our return delivery options are:
- Courier delivery service
- Standard first class mail (USPS)
- Overnight Express mail
Our objective is to fit into your schedule. It’s just that simple.
Full Tax Filing Service
Your payroll tax liabilities can be automatically deducted each payroll period, then paid on your behalf to the appropriate agencies (Federal and State). All quarterly tax returns are signed and filed automatically for you as well.
Customized Reports
ComputerSearch has a unique capability to offer a variety of reporting options so that you have exactly the right information, in exactly the right format. A few of the more commonly requested reports are listed here:
- personnel
- union dues
- 401K report and disk
- workers’ compensation
- voluntary deductions
- time card labels
- labor distribution
- disability
Check Signing, and Sealing
In order to save time and effort on payday, you can authorize ComputerSearch to sign your payroll checks. We’ll scan your signature into our computer system and laser print it for you when we print your checks.
We can also fold and seal each payroll check into it’s own envelope for additional time savings and security.
Custom Logos
You can also customize the look of your checks with your company logo. We’ll scan the image into our computer system and laser print it onto every check.
Tracking Paid Time Off
ComputerSearch can track the paid time off (sick, vacation, personal, etc.) for each of your employees and print that information in a report for managers and on the employee’s check stub. This option saves you time and eliminates any questioned discrepancies.
Employee Benefits
ComputerSearch has established affiliations with other companies to provide these additional services to our clients:
health insurance
Section 125 (flex) plans
401K plans
workers’ compensation
time clocks
Pay Cards
ComputerSearch has PayCards for employee banking convenience. Employee pay is direct deposited to your paycard just like a bank account.
Paystubs Online
ComputerSearch has electronic Paystubs online with our exclusive MyStub service. Employees can logon to a secure site to review pay history, download paystubs, and setup email and text notifications.
Please call for more information regarding these or any of our services. We’re here to help.
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