Payroll Processing Services
The ComputerSearch payroll services division has developed its standard services based on over 50 years of experience in meeting companies’ payroll processing needs. All the items listed on payroll home page are included in our base pricing schedule. We also offer many optional payroll services that are designed specifically to make your payroll administration easier to manage.

Time & Labor Tracking Systems
With over 50 years in the Time & Attendance industry, ComputerSearch’s Time & Attendance division is an expert on every facet of the time and labor tracking business. As we serve a very vast and diverse customer base, we offer an extremely broad product offering. Rather than simply represent one product or technology, we pattern our time keeping solutions to suit the needs and wishes of our clients.

Parking & Access
Control Systems
ComputerSearch Corporation’s parking products division provides Parking, Access and Revenue Control Solutions for properties, parking structures, surface lots, commercial and residential sites throughout the state of New York. Our product line includes parking gates, revenue control systems and access control solutions. Our expert team of factory trained installation and service technicians are ready to serve you.

Your source for Human Resources and Employee Benefits
Section 125 Plans, 401k Retirement Plans, Group Insurance, Health Insurance, NY Mandatory Employer Benefits
Human Resources – Basic and comprehensive packages available from personalized company HR portals to a dedicated HR Hotline with unlimited access to certified HR Professionals.
ComputerSearch acquired by EBC
Dear Valued Client, For 53 years ComputerSearch has delivered high quality, proactive advice and service to our clients. Looking forward, we expect a continually changing business environment that will require a more robust product and service offering to ensure we...
Direct Deposit Update
What happened: On Thursday October 24rd, our direct deposit provider of over 20 years, Cachet Financial Services, halted transactions without warning, leaving us in the dark about the status of files we had sent previously. This was a massive, national problem that...
Thank you
Patty Kelley <PKelley@crescentmfg.net> To 'johnjr@cspayroll.com' John, Hats off to ComputerSearch for handling an unexpected situation with direct deposits - that was out of their control – smoothly and efficiently! They helped us understand what was going on...
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Inc. 5000 winner 2015 & 2016